Sunday 2 October 2022

Invasion of Privacy Through Technology


I was very fascinated to learn about all so many ways our privacy could be taken through our technology without us even realizing it. Every time you’re on the phone someone could be listening on the other line and I know a lot of people that will give crucial information through the phone clueless about whose listening. Posting on social media could also play a big role in our privacy. Social Media sites can see what you post and hackers could even leak or take personal information or pictures that were saved through the app. Facial recognition was another big one. Nowadays our face has facial recognition and most online websites could identify anything and anyone. This could even result in their records and personal information being online. This could drastically affect me, my friends and my family, and our safety. Unfortunately, there are so many people out there that would go above and beyond to try to steal someone's personal information or try to hack them. This is so scary to think that someone so small as our phones could hold the power of relaxing our privacy without us knowing if we’re not careful. 

To protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy there are many precautions we can take to safely use the internet. For starters, It's important to limit the personal information you share on social media. Try to fill out as much information without giving away too much information. Use a virtual private network service when connecting to wifi. Most places will be able to see everything you do online when connected to their website. Make sure to be careful where you click and to avoid clicking on “scam” emails. In some cases, the scam emails we get could be hackers just trying to get your information. Another big thing is to always password secure everything. Especially with a strong password that wouldn't be guessed by most people.  

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