Sunday 2 October 2022


  Propaganda is statements or ideas that are often false or exaggerated. Typically these statements are spread to help the government, leaders, cause, etc. These statements can influence or even change someone's views or attitude towards a specific cause. 

There are two types of propaganda: those with a positive message and negative. ​​Although when people hear propaganda they think of it as someone bad there are times when it's positively promoted. Organizations like the government or news can promote positive messages and lifestyles. For example, messages about drunk driving, drug use, the effects of smoking, healthy eating habits, violence against women, and vaccine programs are often spread through propaganda. Propaganda can also be used to promote unity, cooperation, and community through people during conflicts. For example, this propaganda against smoking states “About 440,000 Americans die each year from disease related to smoking. 90% of them started as teen smokers”, which “Smoking Kills” a supposedly unconscious human. This was hopefully made to try to convince people to stop smoking and be safer. Positive propaganda can initially be used to promote positive change in society. 

While there is some positive propaganda being promoted throughout the world there is usually a lot more negative. Propaganda can be used negatively to cause damage and demolishment. Negative propaganda can be used as a very powerful weapon during the war. This type of propaganda can create hatred towards enemies by creating a false image of the opposing country or nation in the minds of the people. Negative propaganda can affect the way we teach information to others. Degrading disinformation about a group or the history of a certain country could be promoted in the education system by using the media to create and navigate false information. A real-world example of negative propaganda was while under Hitler's rule the German government used propaganda to favor and try to promote nazism. Another example of negative propaganda is during World War II, stating “More toolie you crackie… More Happie Jappie… Nations Fall When Workers Stall” a 1940's US anti-Japanese propaganda. The United States used propaganda to try and convince people to support the war by joining it, saving material goods and food, and buying war bonds. This was done by initiating hatred for the enemy.

Propaganda can affect society as a whole because some may believe one thing while others would disagree. This could cause an uproar in protests or arguments due to the opinions of others. Negative propaganda can cause fear and strong either agreeance or disagreement by the people. For example, the Nazi propaganda some seeing it as a way to promote nazism while others' lives were being torn apart by people believing the propaganda and wanting to join it. However, positive propaganda can be used to help promote positive and change society. Many propaganda posters are improving and can change one's views for the good. For example the “We Can Do It!” poster by J. Howard Miller in 1943, promoted feminism and is a symbol of women's empowerment. This is an inspiring poster that positively impacts society. Another very famous propaganda poster was the “I want you” recruitment poster by Leslie’s Weekly on July 6, 1916. This poster represents strength and a sense of urgency to encourage the citizens of the United States to join the war effort. Posters like these are impactful and change the way society is as a whole. I would say there are many propagandas representing different segments in different ways, some of which people would find offensive or discriminating. Posters reflecting different segments could be very offensive to some and impact one opinion on the matter. Listed below are a few examples of each. 

Rich/Poor: This poster was German propaganda criticizing American World War I tactics. The saying “Rich Mans War! Poor Man's Fight!” Could be interpreted in many ways and for me, I see it almost as during the war the poor had to fight to survive and get the necessities they needed while the rich were prepared and wealthy enough to 

provide for themselves. Almost as if stating the rich were stronger and better than the poor.

Old/Young: This poster is trying to encourage mothers to keep their children out of London. As you can see Hitler appears as a ghostly figure in the back trying to get her to take her children back home. 

female/male: This propaganda was used for gender in first world war propaganda. Shows the wives telling their husbands to join the war while they stay back.  

Gay/Straight: This propaganda is negatively impacting those of the LGBT stating they are dirty and a “walking disease”, which is something you should never call someone no matter their sexuality. 

Minority/Majority: This 1942 World War II propaganda poster, titled This is the Enemy, circulated in the United States following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Its purpose was to express the entire Japanese nation as a ruthless and animalistic enemy that needed to be defeated. 

Propaganda could influence my opinions on certain topics. Not only myself but many people nowadays are always on the internet, on social media, and watching the news. Social media websites are always posting new information and I would like some of its usual propaganda. There are many people o this world that want to show their opinions online and try and make people believe one way over the other. For example, I always get ads about different websites or brands that say you can get benefits from them. When in reality you'll go to these websites and it's trying to make you pay all this money or it wouldn't even have what the post was promoting. Nowadays so many people believe so much about what they see online that people think they wouldn't notice the propaganda being promoted. 

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