Saturday 10 December 2022

Living in the age of AI

While watching this video learned a lot and it really opened my eyes to how artificial intelligence and technology are changing life as we know it. I learned how everything you do is producing data and computers are trying to personalize things to you and adapt the world to you. The dangers of this seem to outweigh the good side of technology. Companies don’t have the same goals they need to be aware to have more control. Something that stood out to me was “we were searching google but google was searching us with every move”. Hearing this really made me think about how often I use google and look stuff up for google to be doing the same and gathering more and more information on me. I’ve learned that surveillance capitalism is real and although many say it claims private human experience, there are surprisingly a lot of businesses that wanna know what we will do now, soon, and later. In 2015 there was controversy about how privacy in google truly was. “You'd be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you” , This was Mactaggart from the video. The entire business is learning as much about you as they can mining the data of your life with this power it holds. Some would say technology has developed a place in our lives that it has not earned. Since technology has always made things better we have developed a trust and industry that has earned goodwill.

I would say that technology beholds a lot of pros and cons with privacy. The pros being it allows us to create these private accounts to hold information and keep our privacy safe. Many social media websites require a lot of passwords and verification to access an account which appears to make it seem safe… or so we may think. Social media sites are collecting way too much data on us that we should be careful with especially with hackers or unwanted viruses. Technology has surveillance on us in places we didn't know before. Something that shocked me was hearing about how google homes could spy on you. These devices that we keep in our homes are surrounded by our everyday lives. They use spoken interactions which are being trained not only to recognize who you are but are getting deeper information on you. They will ask you simple questions and will listen to your responses very clearly. They can tell if you have a cold or maybe if you’re sad just by how your voice is sounding. This could be by simpling you asking what the weather is like that day. Some google homes also have cameras now which gives total surveillance on you and your own. They can see and hear everything that is going on around them giving us no privacy. It is scary how much technology is taking over and stealing our privacy.

The same goes for national security which ensures the protection of our nation's fundamental and enduring needs. This allows protection for all citizens and protects us by maintaining effective arm forces, service police, and civil defense to protect us and the nation from internal threats. However, it can direct acts of war and aggression which could result in something bigger. Although the national security we have is protecting us as citizens the government also knows everything about us. In this day in age, it seems nearly impossible to have your privacy. Online security has also been set into place to ensure privacy for activities and transactions made over the internet. It can seem safe in the moment and protective however how would you know if someone is watching your every move on the computer? Identify theft has never been easier with the help of technology. Hackers can access people's accounts and almost every bit of information about them through the internet. While the internet may seem like an amazing tool that we've been gifted with it makes it harder for us to keep our information private. Technology nowadays is full of many possibilities and many unknowns especially when it comes to our privacy as citizens. 

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