Sunday 25 September 2022

EOTO Technology presentations: Drones

 I got the opportunity to learn about many different technologies throughout the years and how they've impacted communication. One that stood out to me was drones. When I think of drones I think of small aircraft controlled by remotes and people. However, drones have seemed to advance throughout the years. Drones were used as military weapons for many years upon influencing communication. Drones have become such a unique way for journalists to capture images and videos at angles we never could before. However, I learned some disadvantages come with it such as environmental hazards. Drones have now been used for news to broadcasts to unreachable places and reach new outlets. Drones have also been used as ways to carry information from one place to another more efficiently. For example, Walmart was using drone services to deliver their packages to homes in a faster and more efficient way. Nowadays many people use drones as cameras to capture heights a human camera could never reach. A lot of movies and music videos use drone production to capture amazing footage. Drones have advanced immensely. Drones are also now used for aerial photography for journalism, film, and real estate, as well as express shipping and delivery. Drones are used for gathering information or supplying essentials for disaster management. Drones could also save someone's life with easier access to search and rescue operations. I think it's so cool that we can have these drones as a way to communicate and see places we never thought we could.

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