Sunday 11 September 2022

News Information Sources

  Personally, when I am trying to find information and news about what's going on in the world I always go to the internet and tv. Throughout middle school and high school, my teachers would always put on CNN news. I have found CNN to be very informative and reliable. I like CNN's setup online and how they show what's trending big on the page as well as links to the US, World, Politics, Business, and more. The website is also very eye-catching which I think is important when looking for information because it catches the reader's eye. There are also many videos linked and live updates from all around the world. 

    Another news source that I have found to be very good and reliable is ABC News. I’ve always watched ABC news growing up and found it to be very intriguing and impressive. I like how they view the trending news and have that big on the front page. They also have links to videos, lives, shows, guns in America and so much more. There is a lot on their news source which I find all to be great information. 

    The New York Times is another amazing resource for all news and information. Their sources always include trending information with big headlines and covers that grab the reader's attention. The online source also includes world, U.S, politics, N.Y., business, opinion, tech, science, health, sports, arts, books, style, food, travel, magazine, T Magazine, real estate, and video. I think this is probably one of the best and most reliable sources that many people go to for information and news.

    Another great and reliable source is The Washington Post. Very similar to The New York Times this source highlights trending and important information as well as includes many more news stories and opinions. This source also has many different sections for each main topic. Coronavirus, for example, includes stories and information on the virus from over the years. This is another one of my go-to sources when diving for new information.

    Just like ABC News, I grew up watching Fox News with my family on a day-to-day basis. I enjoy how eye-catching this source is with its many headlines and news stories. This source includes politics, weather, media, entertainment, sports, lifestyle and so much more. I enjoy looking through this news source because of all the great and intriguing information that they provide. Each one of these sources I believe is very reliable and provides such powerful and striking information that will keep readers attached.

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