Sunday 11 September 2022

The Supreme Court

The video made me rethink how the court and cases are made and determined. Before learning more about the Supreme Court I was unaware of the chief justices that are necessary for dealing with the cases. The video claimed that in all of American History, there have been just over a hundred Supreme Court justices serving an average of 16 years. That surprised me in which I thought there would be so much more justices serving throughout that timeline. All of the justices in this video seem very well experienced and trained for any court case. It was so fascinating to hear what they had to say on the inner side of the court. One justice had stated “being appointed to the supreme court is akin to being struck by lightning”. Seeming for it to be very rare to be granted a place on the Supreme Court. I’ve learned that being a part of the Supreme Court takes a lot of responsibility and knowledge. It is not any normal job that is always “hiring”. Another thing I learned during this video is that “We The People” was only composed of a very small part of the people. Where no women could vote, people were held in bondage, and Native Americans were not treated as citizens of equal stature and dignity. However, all of those people do count as “We The People” even if they initially didn't at the start. Times have changed and more people have gained their freedom and independence. I was intrigued to find out that only 9 justices gather in a room alone to vote on a case, with no law clerks or even a secretary. The video made me think about how prestigious the justices and court take all the cases and how much work goes into it. I found it so fascinating to learn about the Supreme Court and get an inside scoop on how it all works. 

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